[Developing Enterprise iOS Applications: iPhone and iPad Apps for Companies and Organizations] (By: Hörbuch

[Developing Enterprise iOS Applications: iPhone and iPad Apps for Companies and Organizations] (By: Hörbuch

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[Developing Enterprise iOS Applications: iPhone and iPad Apps for Companies and Organizations] (By: Hörbuch

Book Detail

Buchtitel : [Developing Enterprise iOS Applications: iPhone and iPad Apps for Companies and Organizations] (By:

Erscheinungsdatum : 2012-01-13

Übersetzer : Maura Pierce

Anzahl der Seiten : 224 Pages

Dateigröße : 53.44 MB

Sprache : Englisch & Deutsch & Algerisches Arabisch

Herausgeber : Michèle & Glennie

ISBN-10 : 4437243361-XXU

E-Book-Typ : PDF, AMZ, ePub, GDOC, PDAX

Verfasser : Titas Sela

Digitale ISBN : 658-3630062957-EDN

Pictures : June Safa

[Developing Enterprise iOS Applications: iPhone and iPad Apps for Companies and Organizations] (By: Hörbuch

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